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作者:    信息来源:    发布时间: 2014-04-20

library IEEE;
entity pcf8563 is
    Port ( sysclk,reset : in std_logic;
           sda,scl : inout std_logic;
   sel : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
   seg_data :out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));
end pcf8563;

architecture Behavioral of pcf8563 is
type state is (prepare,start,transmit_slave_address,check_ack1,transmit_sub_address,check_ack2,
transmit_slave_address2,transmit_sub_address1,check_ack5,check_ack6,check_ack7,read_data1,check_ack8,read_data2,stop);     --定义状态机的各子状态;

signal current_state:state;                         --定义信号;
signal clock,shift_clk:std_logic;
signal code_led : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal reg_led_second,reg_led_minute : std_logic_vector(8 downto 1);

pulse:process(sysclk,reset)                   --进程1,分频得到f为4khz的时钟信号
variable count:integer range 0 to 12500;
   if reset='0' then count:=0;
   elsif rising_edge(sysclk) then
       if count=6500 then clock<='1';
     elsif count=12500 then clock<='0';count:=0;    --frequency:4kHz
     end if;
   end if;
end process pulse;

statemachine:process(clock,reset)           --进程2,状态机的转换
variable slave_address1,sub_address1,data1,slave_address2,sub_address2:std_logic_vector(8 downto 1);
variable cnt:std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
variable cnt1:integer range 0 to 8;
variable count1:integer range 0 to 40;

if reset='0' then   --异步复位

elsif rising_edge(clock) then 
case current_state is
  when prepare=>cnt:=cnt+1;       --准备状态,等各个器件复位
       if cnt="0000010" then
       else current_state<=prepare;
  end if;
  when start=>count1:=count1+1;   --起始信号产生状态
        case count1 is
        when 1=>sda<='1';
        when 2=>scl<='1';
        when 3=>sda<='0';
        when 4=>scl<='0';
        when 5=>count1:=0;current_state<=transmit_slave_address;
        when others=>null;
        end case;
  when transmit_slave_address=>count1:=count1+1;  --发送器件从地址
        case count1 is
        when 1=>sda<=slave_address1(cnt1);  --FROM 8BIT TO 1BIT slave_address1:="10100010";
        when 2=>scl<='1';
        when 3=>scl<='0';
        when 4=>cnt1:=cnt1-1;count1:=0;
        if cnt1=0 then cnt1:=8;
        else current_state<=transmit_slave_address;
        end if;
        when others=>null;
        end case;
  when check_ack1=>count1:=count1+1;         --查询应答信号
        case count1 is
        when 1=>sda<='0';
        when 2=>scl<='1';
        when 3=>scl<='0';            
        when 4=>current_state<=transmit_sub_address;     
        when others=>null;
        end case;
 when transmit_sub_address=>count1:=count1+1; --发送器件子地址
        case count1 is      
        when 1=>sda<=sub_address1(cnt1);  --FROM 8BIT TO 1BIT sub_address1:="00000000";;
        when 2=>scl<='1';
        when 3=>scl<='0';
        when 4=>cnt1:=cnt1-1;count1:=0;
        if cnt1=0 then cnt1:=8;
        else current_state<=transmit_sub_address;
        end if;
        when others=>null;
        end case;
  when check_ack2=>count1:=count1+1;         --查询应答信号
        case count1 is
        when 1=>sda<='0';
        when 2=>scl<='1';       
        when 3=>scl<='0';                      
        when 4=>current_state<=transmit_data;count1:=0;
        when others=>null;
        end case;
  when transmit_data=>count1:=count1+1;  --发送数据
        case count1 is       
        when 1=>sda<=data1(cnt1);    --data1:="00000000"; 
        when 2=>scl<='1';
        when 3=>scl<='0';
        when 4=>cnt1:=cnt1-1;count1:=0;
        if cnt1=0 then cnt1:=8;
        else current_state<=transmit_data;
        end if;
        when others=>null;
        end case;
  when check_ack3=>count1:=count1+1;       --查询应答信号
        case count1 is
        when 1=>sda<='0';
        when 2=>scl<='1';  
        when 3=>scl<='0';                   
        when 4=>current_state<=transmit_data1;
        when others=>null;
        end case;
  when transmit_data1=>count1:=count1+1; --发送数据
        case count1 is       
        when 1=>sda<=data1(cnt1);          --data1:="00000000"; 
        when 2=>scl<='1';
        when 3=>scl<='0';
        when 4=>cnt1:=cnt1-1;count1:=0;
        if cnt1=0 then cnt1:=8;
        else current_state<=transmit_data1;
        end if;
        when others=>null;
        end case;
   when check_ack4=>count1:=count1+1;      --查询应答信号
        case count1 is
        when 1=>sda<='0';
        when 2=>scl<='1';  
        when 3=>scl<='0';                   
        when 4=>current_state<=transmit_data2;
        when others=>null;
        end case;
   when transmit_data2=>count1:=count1+1;  --发送数据
        case count1 is       
        when 1=>sda<=data1(cnt1);    --data1:="00000000"; 
        when 2=>scl<='1';
        when 3=>scl<='0';
        when 4=>cnt1:=cnt1-1;count1:=0;
       if cnt1=0 then cnt1:=8;
       else current_state<=transmit_data2;
       end if;
        when others=>null;
        end case;
   when check_ack44=>count1:=count1+1;        --查询应答信号
        case count1 is
        when 1=>sda<='0';
        when 2=>scl<='1';
        when 3=>scl<='0';                    
        when 4=>current_state<=start1;
        when others=>null;
        end case;
   when start1=>count1:=count1+1;       --起始信号产生状态
        case count1 is
        when 1=>sda<='1';
        when 3=>scl<='1';
        when 5=>sda<='0';
        when 7=>scl<='0';
        when 9=>count1:=0;current_state<=transmit_slave_address1;
        when others=>null;
        end case;
  when transmit_slave_address1=>count1:=count1+1;  --发送器件从地址
        case count1 is
        when 1=>sda<=slave_address1(cnt1);
        when 3=>scl<='1';
        when 6=>scl<='0';
        when 8=>cnt1:=cnt1-1;count1:=0;
       if cnt1=0 then cnt1:=8;
       else current_state<=transmit_slave_address1;
       end if;
        when others=>null;
        end case;
  when check_ack5=>count1:=count1+1;        --查询应答信号
        case count1 is
        when 3=>sda<='0';
        when 6=>scl<='1';     
        when 8=>scl<='0';                    
        when 10=>current_state<=transmit_sub_address1; 
        when others=>null;
        end case;
  when transmit_sub_address1=>count1:=count1+1; --发送器件子地址
        case count1 is      
        when 1=>sda<=sub_address2(cnt1); 
        when 3=>scl<='1';
        when 6=>scl<='0';
        when 9=>cnt1:=cnt1-1;count1:=0;
        if cnt1=0 then
        else current_state<=transmit_sub_address1;
        end if;
        when others=>null;
        end case;
  when check_ack6=>count1:=count1+1;     --查询应答信号
        case count1 is
        when 3=>sda<='0';
        when 6=>scl<='1';  
        when 8=>scl<='0';  
        when 10=>current_state<=start2;
        when others=>null;
        end case;
  when start2=>count1:=count1+1;        --重新起始信号产生状态
        case count1 is
        when 1=>sda<='1';
        when 3=>scl<='1';
        when 6=>sda<='0';
        when 8=>scl<='0';
        when 10=>count1:=0;current_state<=transmit_slave_address2;
        when others=>null;
        end case;
  when transmit_slave_address2=>count1:=count1+1;  --发送器件从地址
        case count1 is
        when 1=>sda<=slave_address2(cnt1);
        when 3=>scl<='1';
        when 6=>scl<='0';
        when 8=>cnt1:=cnt1-1;count1:=0;
   if cnt1=0 then cnt1:=8;
   else current_state<=transmit_slave_address2;
   end if;
        when others=>null;
        end case;
  when check_ack7=>count1:=count1+1;         --查询应答信号
        case count1 is
        when 3=>sda<='0';
        when 6=>scl<='1';
        when 8=>scl<='0';
        when 10=>current_state<=read_data1;
        when others=>null;
        end case;
  when read_data1=>count1:=count1+1;             --读操作
        case count1 is
        when 1=>sda<='Z';
        when 4=>scl<='1';
        when 8=>reg_led_second(cnt1)<=sda;
        when 10=>scl<='0';
        when 12=>cnt1:=cnt1-1;count1:=0;
   if cnt1=0 then cnt1:=8;
   else current_state<=read_data1;
   end if;
        when others=>null;
        end case;
  when check_ack8=>count1:=count1+1;        --查询应答信号
        case count1 is
        when 3=>sda<='0';
        when 6=>scl<='1';
        when 8=>scl<='0';
        when 10=>current_state<=read_data2;
        when others=>null;
        end case;                                                          

  when read_data2=>count1:=count1+1;           --读操作
        case count1 is
        when 1=>sda<='Z';
        when 4=>scl<='1';
        when 8=>reg_led_minute(cnt1)<=sda;
        when 10=>scl<='0';
        when 12=>cnt1:=cnt1-1;count1:=0;
   if cnt1=0 then cnt1:=8;
   else current_state<=read_data2;
   end if;
        when others=>null;
        end case;  
   when stop=>count1:=count1+1;                 --产生停止信号
        case count1 is
        when 1=>sda<='0';
        when 3=>scl<='1';
        when 10=>sda<='1';
        when 15=>count1:=0;current_state<=start1;
        when others=>null;
        end case;
   end case;       
  end if;
end process;

process(sysclk)                                                --动态扫描模块
variable cnt : integer range 0 to 50000;
   if rising_edge(sysclk) then cnt:=cnt+1;
      if cnt<25000 then shift_clk<='1';
         elsif cnt<50000 then shift_clk<='0';
         else cnt:=0;
         end if;
   end if;
end process;

variable cnt : integer range 0 to 3;
   if rising_edge(shift_clk) then        
      if cnt=0 then sel<="11111110";code_led<='0'&reg_led_minute(7 downto 5);
      elsif cnt=1 then sel<="11111101";code_led<=reg_led_minute(4 downto 1);
      elsif cnt=2 then sel<="11111011";code_led<='0'&reg_led_second(7 downto 5);
      else sel<="11110111";code_led<=reg_led_second(4 downto 1);
      end if;
   end if;
end process;

with code_led select                                --数码管译码
   seg_data <=x"c0" when "0000",
         x"f9" when "0001",
         x"a4" when "0010",
         x"b0" when "0011",
         x"99" when "0100",
         x"92" when "0101",
         x"82" when "0110",
         x"f8" when "0111",
         x"80" when "1000",
         x"90" when "1001",    
         x"88" when "1010",
         x"83" when "1011",
         x"c6" when "1100",
         x"a1" when "1101",
         x"86" when "1110",
         x"8e" when "1111",
         x"00" when others;
end Behavioral;


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